800+ Acres Of Pristine Wilderness
The goals of Tifie Preserve were adopted from Tifie Humanitarian, a non-profit designed to lift people out of poverty by providing them with basic necessities and, more importantly, the education needed to sustain those necessities.
Providing guests with a synopsis of this education, Tifie Preserve is a fully-sustainable, agricultural ecosystem beating with life. It’s a majestic, harmonious place that, upon departure, will provide guests with a better sense of place in this world.
An immersive experience that brings you closer to the natural world.
Tifie Preserve is a model of sustainability that must be showcased to the public as it provides the education and encouragement to enact sustainability practices that are vital to the life of our planet.
Serve as stewards of the land, and lead the way on best practices for conserving our environment.

Interested in learning more about Tifie Preserve? Send us an email: info@tifiepreserve.com